Cultural Codes and Women


4 – 5 November 2022

Cultural Codes and Women

Many cultures around the world produce perceptions around womanhood with some deemed appropriate and others inappropriate. Standards of judgment, codes of conduct and expectations are born out of such perceptions. How are these formed and which purposes do they serve? What type of interactions can be seen between similar definitions of womanhood in different geographies or different ideals of womanhood in the same geography? To what extent have women’s rights movements been able to produce solutions for problems related to these?  

Moreover, cultural codes tend from time to time to build an identity over perceptions about “other” women. Which reality is reflected by the image of the woman who is presented by an outsider as the victim of her own culture? On the other hand, the indigenous woman can be idealized as a depository of her culture against the occupation of a foreign one. Which lived experiences are left out in civilization wars that are carried out over the identity of women?   

In another context we see models of womanhood presented by the global culture. These ideal representations, which change periodically, come along with standards that are expected to be met. While women from non-rural areas have earlier been positioned within the confines of their houses, today’s urbanized woman is expected to be a well-groomed wife, a self-sacrificing mother and a career woman all at once.  The authenticity of norm constructs and womanhood patterns represent serious concerns together with the freedom definitions of our day.  To which extent do the expectations shaped by the global culture affect the lives and choices of women? Can we say that the variety which the local culture adds to individuals is melting down against uniform and standardized preferences?  

The 5th  International Women and Justice Summit, organized by KADEM in cooperation with the Turkish Ministry of Family and Social Services, will be held on November 4-5, 2022 with the theme of “Cultural Codes and Women”. In this summit, we will be discussing norms around womanhood that are produced by various cultures in modern times, wishing to share the life experiences of women who were included in or excluded from the building process of such norms. The Summit will discuss three main questions: How are the norms that negatively affect the present and future of women built and disseminated? What types of life skills do women develop against such norms and by which methods do they survive? What can be done for women to lead a productive and satisfactory life that is free from all kinds of oppression?  



Derya Yanık

Republic of Türkiye Minister of Family and Social Services

Alia El-Yassir

Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia and Representative to Turkey

Bahar Muradova

Republic of Azerbaijan Chairperson of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs

Kaouter Krikou

People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria Minister of National Solidarity, Family and Status of Women

Dorothy Onesphoro Gwajima

Tanzania Minister for Community Development, Gender, Women and Special Groups

Masagos Zulkifli

Republic of Singapore Minister for Social and Family Development

Wafaa Abu Bakr Muhammad Al-Kilani

State of Libya Minister of Social Affairs

Amal Hamad

State of Palestine Minister of Women’s Affairs

Dr. Nursem Keskin Aksay

Board Member of KADEM 

Assoc. Prof. Merve Safa Kavakcı

Ambassador, Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Fatima Gailani

Afghan Peace Negotiator and Women’s Rights Activist

Dr. Tesnim Khriji Chirchi  

Lecturer, Ibn Haldun University & Executive Director, Jasmine Foundation for Research

Dr. Sharifa Noaman Al-Emadi

Executive Director, Doha International Family Institute

Emine Melek Cevahiroğlu

Board Member of KADEM 

Dr. Hayat Sindi 


Dr. Ruha Shadab

Founder & CEO, LedBy Foundation

Yasemin Gür Solmaz

Board Member, Gürmen Group

Marlyse R. Ndjenga

Publishing Director, Valeurs Ajoutées Magazine

Dr. Betül Özel Çiçek

Board Member of KADEM 

Sultana Tafadar  

King’s Counsel

Nazma Khan

CEO, World Hijab Day Organization

Ebru Baybara Demir

Chef, Social Entrepreneur

Rowaida Abdelaziz

Award-winning Journalist

Meryem İlayda Atlas

Board Member, TRT

Bilqis Abdul-Qaadir

Athletic Director & International Motivational Speaker

Rizwana Hamid

Journalist & Film Maker. Director, Centre for Media Monitoring 

Waad El-Kateab

Award-winning Filmmaker, Activist 

Reshad Strik


Dr. Sevim Zehra Can Kaya

Vice Chairwoman, KADEM

Assoc. Prof. Ayşe Taşkent

Lecturer, Istanbul University- Cerrahpaşa

Hümeyra Şahin

Historian- Writer, Advisor to the President of Türkiye, Member of Culture and Art Policies Council

Samah Safi Bayazid

Film Director & Producer. Co-Founder & Producer, Light Art VR

Ayşe Akova 

Designer, Cartoonist, Podcaster