Samah Safi Bayazid
Film Director & Producer, Co-Founder & Producer, Light Art VR- USA
Jordan & USA
Samah Safi Bayazid is an award-winning Jordanian American film director and producer based in Washington DC.
She co-founded Light Art VR for Islamic entertaining virtual reality experiences to take their audience around the world on “ A Journey Through Time®”.
Samah brought her Middle Eastern understanding to the west to produce unique humanitarian and bridge-building entertainment for audiences in the West and East. She focuses in her films on telling important humanitarian stories such as the struggles of refugees, children of war, women empowerment, fighting Islamaphobia and bringing positive representation for muslims in the western media.
Samah was a guest-speaker on many prestigious stages and universities like Harvard, Boston Collage, Columbia University, UMAS Amherts, Boston University, TED talks and others.