In the movie “AI: Artificial Intelligence” directed by the famous Hollywood filmmaker Steven Spielberg, and released in 2001, the robot human named David tries to express his feelings for a woman who adopted him as a child. 

Throughout the movie, the woman struggles about her mixed feelings towards this robot boy who was programmed to love her. Let’s the put aside the question of whether it is possible to create such a robot. Futurists study and discuss the technology of tomorrow or the capabilities of computers in the future. The key question is what will it be like to be a human? 

The world is becoming more digitalized in every way. As the technology evolves day by day, the questions asked have also changed. Mobile devices, smart machines and all inventions and innovations defined as the internet of things unearth a question of identity. What will be the new definition of identity for humans who today create imaginary identities in the virtual world of web, as they transit through an era when the boundaries between the online and offline worlds are blurred?

Humans are caught between the fear of not keeping up with the agenda and the anxiety of losing one’s mobile phone, with addition to technology rising to a level that is higher than ever. On the other side, the efforts of creating a cash-free society mainly across Northern Europe have started to also be seen in Turkey. And the digital media has made information more accessible, facilitating dialogs both between governments and citizens and between different groups and individuals within a society. Although Covid-19 epidemic forced countries to close their borders and people to stay in quarantine, it also shaped a new educational system: the era of digital learning…

What does it mean for the humanity that all kinds of innovations, like robot nurses as healthcare personnel, restaurants without people, distance education, contact-free payment systems, etc. are now at the very heart of our lives? How will technology affect our mental health? In what ways the human psychology an behaviours will change? How will this affect one’s relationship with their community and surroundings or the family structure directly or indirectly? We, as Kadem and as caring people, will discuss in detail three main questions during our summit that pays a closer look to the psychological and sociological effects of the technologies we use today and the innovations that are just around corner. 1. “How do we ensure that the digital world serves the humanity?”, 2. “How will the new practices of social life shape the future in the digital age?”, 3. “What should we do to protect our moral values and culture fabric in the digital age?”


You can view speaker resumes.

Prof. Dr. Acar Baltaş

Assoc. Prof. Ahmet Dağ
Academician, Uludağ University

Akan Abdula
Co-founder of FutureBright Group 

Asst. Prof. Alina Sorgner
Academician, John Cabot University, Italy

Dr. Ali Taha Koç
Head of Digital Transformation Office of the Presidency of Turkey

Prof. Dr. Ayhan Bıçak
Academician, İstanbul University

Prof. Dr. Ayşe Bilge Selçuk
Psychologist & Academician, Koç University

Asst. Prof. Ayşe Taşkent
Academician, Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa

Bora Uymaz

Burhan Eliaçık
The Association of Payment and Electronic Money Institutions of Turkey

Assoc. Prof. Ekmel Geçer
Academician, University of Health Sciences

Dr. Esra Kartal Soysal
Academician, İIstanbul Medeniyet University

Prof. Dr. Erol Göka
Psychiatrist & Author

Asst. Prof. Fatıma Tuba Yaylacı
Developmental Psychologist & Academician, FSM Vakıf University

Fatoş Bozkuş
Columnist, Dunya Newspaper

Prof. Frank Furedi
Author & Academician, University of Kent, United Kingdom

Prof. Gary R. Bunt
Academician, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, United Kingdom

Gülser Ustaoğlu
General Manager at the General Directorate of Status of Women, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services

İsmihan Yılmaz
Media Executive, TRT

Dr. Fac. Member İsmail Çağlar
Academician, Istanbul Medeniyet University

Jenny Molendyk Divleli
Founder of Early Bird English

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Akgül
Academician, Necmettin Erbakan University

Mehmet Said Gül
Ziraat Participation Bank, Assistant General Manager IT & Operations

Prof. Dr. Michele Notari
Academician, Bern University of Teacher Education, Switzerland

Prof. Dr. Nabi Avcı
Member of Turkish Parliament for Eskişehir, Former Minister of National Education and Culture and Tourism

Asst. Prof. Nagihan Haliloğlu
Academician, Ibn Haldun University

Prof. Dr. Nilüfer Pembecioğlu
Academician, Istanbul University

Assoc. Prof. Oğuzhan Bilgin
Academician, Ankara HBV University

Prof. Dr. Özge Hacıfazlıoğlu
Vice Rector, Hasan Kalyoncu University

Prof. Rana Dajani
Academician, Hashemite University, Jordan & Founder of We Love Reading

Asst. Prof. Ray Walshe
Academician, Dublin City University, Ireland

Refik Anadol
Media Artist, Director

Şirin Pancaroğlu
Harpist, Minister of Education, Music Education Project Consultant

Sümeyye Ceylan
Educational Designer & Co-founder of Usturlab Kids Atelier

Zeliha Eliaçık
Researcher, SETA Brussel